Bored? Check Some Of These Then…
I found these whilst taking a break from doing work tonight… In no particular order… This made me think of my student digs when I was at Bournemouth. Penultimately, we have a site to let you know just...
View ArticleGood Summary of the Conspiracy Theories
I got a bit bored doing my work tonight, so I ended up randomly following links until I came upon… Whilst most of the questions have been asked before, it was...
View ArticleFirst Blue Peter
Now another bastion of Britishness has been discovered to have dodginess occurring with phone in competitions. Check here for Blue Peter’s eventual admission of guilt. This time, GMTV, a morning TV...
View ArticleEye’ve Got Eyes On Your Eyes
Following on from the earlier ultrasonic sound waves, here we have technology that is designed to count just how many people are looking at a certain object. Useful for gauging an advertisement’s...
View ArticleScary Times For Kazakhstan
I thought I’d already linked to KZBlog’s article on the case of a business man who was abducted and beaten, allegedly by a well known figure in Kazakh politics, but I couldn’t find it a moment ago....
View ArticleScally Choppers
It looks like someone went ahead and ran with an idea without actually figuring out just some of the consequences… The idea is that Police can use the RC helicopter to scope out scenes without it being...
View ArticleWho Are You And What Are You Doing?
The BBC has reported that the UK government is looking at introducing new stop and quiz powers for the police. Although not as controversial as the stop and search issue, the idea that a innocent...
View ArticleBBC Reports On Kazakhstan
A couple of friends in Britain sent me links to some interesting articles on the recent events in Kazakhstan, from the BBC. They are quite similar, and the articles are listed in date order, the...
View ArticleUrban Myth Or Scary Warning?
OK, I have to admit, I have read about this nightmare scenario before, but I had not realised that some Koreans take it very seriously… What am I talking about? The silent killer – Death By Fan! Yes,...
View ArticleWiFi Killed My Hamster…
The Guardian blog has an entry regarding the ongoing saga of the BBC Panorama’s report on the dangers of WiFi radio signals, especially in children, whose brains are still developing. They centred...
View ArticlePussy Proprietor Protects Privacy
Following on from my earlier posting regarding people finding images that interested them via Google Maps, somebody is not happy with level of detail possible in Google’s eye level view of certain...
View ArticleGoogle Bad For You
or more specifically the privacy and security of your data. Privacy International have rated Google as ‘hostile’ in their survey of web-based companies deal with data from their users. PI stated that...
View blocked?
If anyone else in Kazakhstan reads this, could you do me a favour? Try and visit and let me know if it works for you. I can’t currently access Google’s main news server. I first noticed...
View ArticleGoogle Responds To Criticism
Following on from the damning report that Privacy International released, and similar concerns from Article 29 (an EU based advisory body), Google has now cut the length of time that they will save...
View ArticleCornwall Nationalists
Militants in Cornwall (where my brother attends university) have issued a statement warning two celebrity chefs that their businesses are at risk. There is history of rebellion in Cornwall, reaching...
View ArticleNew Blog And A PS Video
Whilst browsing through the PayPerPost forums, someone linked to their blog (Call Me When You Get There), which caught my attention, as this is the sort of thing Ira often says to anyway leaving our...
View ArticleRobocop v0.02a
I read about this over at a FoxNews page (I tried to find a less objectionable site to link to, but, right now at least, this article was the best quality!) In an effort to cut down on some of the...
View ArticleSigns That Your Business Plan Is Not Working
My last job in Britain, before leaving for Kazakhstan would have ended 4 days after I emigrated anyway, but it appears that some of the staff whose roles took over some of our responsibilities are not...
View ArticleKazakh Company Wants To Invest
Just caught this report over on the BBC World news channel. Apparently the American government and GreenPeace (for differring reasons) is not very happy at the prospect of KazAtomProm (the Kazakh...
View ArticleMalaysian Bloggers Beware
I have linked to quite a few Malaysian bloggers in the past, and some have linked back, so when I discovered how the government over there is once more cracking down on them, using anti-terrorism...
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